
Bobbziee is an artist from Manchester, UK. He creates luxurious professional bold surreal colourful vibrant acrylic paintings. His fascinating take on pop art style has attracted clients internationally. A must buy for modern living and interiors. Available to buy online. Both large and medium scale paintings are available.

Upcoming Print…

‘The Lonely Branch’ print will be coming soon this year, I have yet to finalise the date of launch. I can notify you through an email if you are signed up to my newsletter, which is the best way to stay in touch. ‘The Lonely Branch’ is a three painting series. I have meticulously joined them altogether as a one huge impressive eye catching artwork. It is one of the biggest print I am aiming to create. The panoramic nature of this print is absolutely stunning and feast for eyes.


Project in-progress: Mini Zine/Artbook

One thing that I really want to get done this year, is a mini zine or a mini artbook with lots of new ink drawings in it. The new ink drawings are currently being completed with other things. It has been a blast so far, I have been enjoying revisiting my old paintings and creating some ink drawings for them. The plan is to have some of my favourite paintings compiled into a small booklet with ink drawings accompanying some of them.